Sunday, November 30, 2008

a moral center of pure awesomeness and probably ripe strawberries.

so it's been a long time since the last post. a lot has happened in the past few weeks. mostly it's been the lack of wireless internet after moving into the new place (read: living room). i've turned on my computer three times since moving and blogging on another computer feels traitorous.

i am disgusted with myself currently.

it's about 8 o'clock right now. i'm sitting here watching star wars vi, the '97 remastered version, both disappointed and relieved. it's been over a decade since this version came out, but i've never seen the remastered movies until now so there's that. not forcing you to read my late-in-the-game post. anyway!

i'm now convinced that if lucas had the technology he had making star wars that he had remastering it, it wouldn't have been the praised, beloved series that garnished so many oscars and fans. (actually the latter would probably still be true. many people still lack good judgement and a tasty moral center!)

either way, watching the remastered version is disappointing. there's so much unnecessarily hokey crap that doesn't do anything to make the movie better. lame gags and weird for weirds sake aliens. like the singer in jabba's club in this movie. am i crazy? the special effects the studio added to the actual landscapes were great, but all the add on creatures just don't fit in with the rest of the film quality which breaks the willing suspension of disbelief. i am unimpressed and cringing. give me the non-tinkered version any time over this, please.

till next time....